“ | Just to clear something about being wanted, I did want you. It wasn't just need. And I need to learn how to be happy before I can make somebody else happy which is why I'm trying to enjoy tonight despite karaoke. Fake it to you make it right? [..] I'm still a work in progress, but I'm grateful that I'm not turning 40 as the man I was. I'm glad to be turning 40 as the man I am here today in The Coterie with all of you. Despite the occasional blowup. | ” |
— Dennis
Something Unpredictable, But in the End It's Right is the sixth episode of Season 4 of Good Trouble. The episode aired on April 13, 2022.
Evan proposes an idea to save Bulk Beauty. Alice is back but still at odds with Sumi. Isabella’s surprise ‘90s themed 40th birthday party for Dennis makes Davia fear she’s losing him.
Dennis sings on stage for his 40th birthday to a full rooftop of Coterie residents.
Isabella tells Davia and Gael that Dennis's birthday is coming up. She wants to throw him a party but Davia doesn't think he'd like it. Isabella disagrees and offers to do everything. Gael suggests that the women work together. Isabella was a 90s surprise party with karaoke. Davia thinks it's an awful idea as he'd hate both of those.
Dennis sings and dances on stage at The Coterie while Davia watches in confusion.
Isabella tells everyone that Dennis is on his way. Davia makes snide comments to Gael about Isabella's costume. Gael is Brad Pitt in Fight Club. Mariana and Joaquin talk as she's Ginger Spice and he's Forrest Gump. She didn't realize he had a sense of humor. He didn't know she worked for Evan Speck, remarking on seeing him leave the other morning.
Evan and Joaquin exchange hellos as he leaves the Coterie. Kelly greets him too and tells Joaquin about Mariana and Evan's history.
Mariana excuses herself for a refill. Kelly greets Sumi and Alice, then learns that Alice and Sumi are back together.
Gael and Isabella greet Alice and Sumi at The Coterie but are surprised to see Alice back so soon. Alice explains that Margaret canceled her tour for a movie. Isabella will move out of the loft ASAP, but Alice tells her it's fine as she's moving in with Sumi. They hold hands up as they say they're back together.
Now, Kelly isn't thrilled with their ship names or them as Sumi cheated last time. She guesses people can change.
Davia greets Malika as both Angelica and Dyonte are at the party.
Malika and Angelica struggle to plan their romantic lives as Malika's work are crazy. She explains Saturday is an event for Dennis's party that she's attending with Dyonte. She doesn't think Dyonte will mind coming as he'll probably bring his primary, Tanya, and explains the roles of a poly relationship to Angelica. Angelica agrees to come if Dyonte doesn't mind. They make out before work.
Malika tells Davia about the situation and is happy to see the pair getting along. Davia asks if things are serious and they might be. She joins their light-hearted conversation. She learns that Dyonte and Tanya split up. Isabella tells everyone that Dennis is coming and they all hide.
Dennis works at the food truck as he watches a shy boy scared of ordering and a mom trying to encourage him. He joins them and offers his pizza toast, with the boy agreeing to try it. The family orders and she thanks him. Isabella asks what the conversation was about and he tells her that he used to struggle with social anxiety. Isabella is glad he got over that.
Now, Dennis goes to the roof to an empty area before everyone jumps out and surprises him. He is struck with social anxiety and appears overwhelmed for a moment. Davia is worried before he admits to loving it. He hugs Isabella and everyone wishes him a happy birthday. Davia emotionally watches the event.
Mariana sings karaoke for The Coterie. She flashes back to Evan visiting her early looking to talk with her. She invites him into her loft and he compliments her pig slippers. He assures her he won't tell Jackie about her spying and offers to buy Revitalize and merge it with BB. She can't let him do that and he reveals that the FCG's already said yes to his offer as they want her back. Now, Mariana fishes the song.
Dennis and Davia talk with him not knowing who she is, which is a recurring theme. He admits Isabella picked out his Big Lebowski costume. He thanks her for the party and she apologizes for the karaoke but he loves it. He invites her to do karaoke and she initially disagrees. She later sings but watches Dennis and Isabella dancing.
Dennis is cleaning when he overhears a father telling his son to give up music and follow a different path.
Back at the party, Angelica and Malika talk about Dyonte's break-up which has thrown Malika a bit. Angelica if this changes anything or if Dyonte will want more of her time, but Malika isn't sure.
Malika, Alice, and Kelly sing karaoke, though Kelly watches Joaquin as she performs her song. Sumi follows suit with a slow song to Alice.
Alice offers to sleep on the floor in Sumi's loft but doesn't want Sumi to sleep on the floor even if her not being in her own loft is Sumi's fault. They argue over Sumi's choices as manager, then Alice leaves to sleep in the vestibule.
Gael finds Davia sitting by herself. He compliments the party and Davia admits that Isabella is his person now. She doesn't feel like she knows him anymore, and Gael thinks that's her fault for keeping him away.
Malika asks Sumi if she's back with Alice and then apologizes for her tour being short. Alice admits it's all fine. Isabella takes the stage for karaoke followed by Dyonte, Joaquin, Angelica, and Gael. Dennis is working when he watches a married couple arguing about schools. Dennis remembers arguing with Claire about working all the time and neither being happy. He watches Isabella, who is watching Gael sing.
The Coterie crew sits for dinner. Dennis thanks the girls for the party and everyone for celebrating with him. The girls ask about Callie, and Mariana admits they've been busy and haven't had the chance to talk. Dennis asks that she tell Callie they miss her. Malika wants to cherish these moments since they'll all move out eventually. Isabella admits that she and Gael are thinking of moving out for a year since The Coterie isn't baby-proof. Everyone offers to do their part to make The Coterie safer, with Mariana offering to move lofts so they can live downstairs. Dennis tells them that the first nine months when their baby isn't walking and having extra hands around a newborn is good. Isabella remarks that's a good hand and she loves the idea of aunties and uncles being around. As a future auntie, Alice toasts Dennis for his birthday. Kelly gives Dennis a bottle of champagne that came for him and reads the card, which congratulates him on the new baby. The card is from Jennifer. He emotionally admits that they ran into Jennifer who has a new baby and how she mistook Isabella for being with Dennis. Gael thinks it's a good assumption since Dennis is so involved and tells them to just tell him when the baby is coming so he can show up. He storms away from the dinner.
Isabella follows Gael and he makes an outburst over her spending time with Dennis. He accuses her of wishing Dennis was the baby's father. He demands to know why she's looking at babies in the maternity ward together, or why she didn't correct his ex. She admits it was an awkward moment and couldn't imagine the pain he felt seeing his ex-wife with a baby boy. She is clear on who the father is and who she wants to do this with. She's scared of being a terrible mom and he assures her that she won't be. He apologizes as he's insecure because they're not a couple. He's worried about what will happen when she meets someone new and there's a new man in their baby's life. She returns the question wondering what will happen when their daughter has a cool step-mom. He jokes about step-moms being evil and needing to brush up on her bedtime stories. She makes a promise to always put each other first no matter who comes into their lives as they are the parents of their child. They share a close hug.
Mariana is on the roof when Joaquin joins her. He asks if the party is over but she doubts it as there's always a blow-up that they move on from. She apologizes but he's used to his share of drama. She corrects that everyone is like family to her but he knows that they aren't her sister. This is Mariana's first party with Callie and he wishes he could call his sister again. He admits that Jenna isn't in Oklahoma but she left home eight years ago and he doesn't know where she is. He learned not to take some things for granted.
Dennis is at the table when Davia arrives, apologizing for the intense blow-up. Dennis admits that he might have overstepped. Davia bets that it was Isabella who overstepped as she tends to get between people. Dennis asks who Isabella got between. Davia mentions Raj and Mariana then her and Dennis. She planned the party with Isabella and fought her at every turn because she was sure Dennis would hate all of it. She doesn't know Dennis anymore and thinks Isabella is his person now. Dennis confesses that he doesn't like surprises or karaoke as he struggled through the whole evening. Other than their kindness he finds being the center of attention exhausting. He takes off his fake fat stomach and tosses it aside. She's happy but tries to apologize for his misery. She admits that Matt dumped her. Dennis did want Davia, not just needed her. He needs to learn to be happy before he can make anyone else happy. He tried to enjoy tonight but is grateful that he isn't turning 40 as the man he was, but the man he is today with all of them. They hold hands over the table.
Gael apologizes to Dennis as he wasn't thinking about Dennis's feelings over Jennifer and the baby. He was insecure and petty. Dennis apologizes for overstepping but he was trying to be supportive of Gael as his best friend. They embrace as Davia calls Dennis to the stage for a Davia and Dennis duet.
Dennis is preparing a man's order who is overworked. He tells the man to breathe as nothing on the call is as important as he thinks.
Dennis and Davia sing karaoke together happily as she steals his sunglasses. The pair sing another duet as the projector plays images of Dennis throughout his life behind them. Angelica and Malika dance together while Dyonte watches. Sumi and Alice exchange a smile, along with Joaquin and Mariana, and Gael and Alice. Sumi gets a tour alert from Margaret Cho. Kelly looks to Joaquin who doesn't return her glances. On the projector, Joaquin recognizes Jenna as a woman being held by Dennis. He takes a picture of the projected image.
Dyonte and Malika talk in the kitchen about Tanya. He says he's okay as they uncoupled happily. He knows they haven't been together long but he feels closer to her. He wants her to be his primary.
Mariana takes the Callie doll out of the drawer and video chats with Callie surprised when she answers. Mariana needed to talk with her. Callie wonders why Mariana hasn't called her back. Mariana admits she's angry that Callie left with no notice and she feels abandoned. She questions why she didn't get a job with the LA ACLU or if it was because she didn't want to live with Mariana anymore. Callie assures her that isn't true. She took the job in DC because it's the one she was offered. She apologizes for springing it on her. She misses her and is very homesick which is why she keeps calling to talk with her. Mariana notices that Callie dyed her blonde and that it looks nice. Callie asks what she needs to talk about and Mariana tells her about the RB drama and the non-compete agreement. Callie tells her that she doesn't have to go back to Evan as non-compete agreements aren't enforceable in California. Companies just have their employees sign them because most people aren't aware of their rights. Callie reveals this means that she's free. They both need each other, and Callie admits that her boss is a dick. The two sisters begin to gush together.
Sumi texts Margaret and asks why Alice left, but Margaret doesn't know as she just up and quit one day. Sumi confronts her for lying and demands to know the truth.
- Cierra Ramirez as Mariana Adams Foster
- Maia Mitchell as Callie Adams Foster
- Zuri Adele as Malika Williams
- Sherry Cola as Alice Kwan
- Bryan Craig as Joaquin Peréz
- Emma Hunton as Davia Moss
- Tommy Martinez as Gael Martinez
- Josh Pence as Dennis Cooper
- Priscilla Quintana as Isabella Tavez
Guest Starring[]
- T.J. Linnard as Evan Speck
- Kara Wang as Sumi Liu
- Marcus Emanuel Mitchell as Dyonte Davis
- Yasmine Aker as Angelica Sofer
- Anastasia Leddick as Kelly Campbell
- Casey Strand as Mom
- Todd Cattell as Father
- Joshua Benard as Teenage Boy
- Kati Salowsky as Girlfriend
- Drew Ignatowski as Boyfriend
- Michael Reagan as Stressed Out Man
- Hudson Brooks as Boy
Notes and Trivia[]
- Something Unpredictable, But in the End It's Right is the longest episode title in both The Fosters and Good Trouble.
- This episode title is a lyric in the hit 1997 song Good Riddance (Time of Your Life) by Green Day.
- Something Unpredictable, But in the End It's Right marks Cierra Ramirez's 160th appearance in The Fosters universe.
- This is the fourth episode of Good Trouble to celebrate a birthday, following Davia Moss's in Re-Birthday, Jazmin Martinez's in Doble Quince, Malika Williams' in Twenty-Fine, and the pretend birthday of Mariana Adams Foster in Whoosh, Pow, Bang. However, it is the first episode to celebrate a male characters birthday.
- The Coterie Crew all dressed up for the 90s theme. In order of appearance:
- Isabella as Fem-bot from Austin Powers.
- Gael is Brad Pitt from Fight Club.
- Davia is Pretty Woman.
- Mariana as Ginger Spice.
- Sumi as Tai from Clueless.
- Kelly as Edward Scissorhands
- Alice as Shelby Wood from The Mystery Files of Shelby Woo.
- Angelica as Britney Spears.
- Dennis is Big Lebowski.
Behind the Scenes[]
Featured Music[]
- Everybody (Backstreet's Back) by Josh Pence (cast)
- My Man by Crush Club, Nicki B The VagaBond
- Five Two by Jacquie
- Renegades by George Hadfield
- Torn by Cierra Ramirez (cast)
- Power Up by The Sea Suns
- Stupid Girl by Emma Hunton (cast)
- Let's Talk About Sex by Zuri Adele (cast)
- All Star by Sherry Cola (cast)
- Queer by Anastasia Leddick (cast)
- From the Bottom of My Broken Heart by Kara Wang (cast)
- Macarena by Priscilla Quintana (cast)
- How Bizarre by Marcus Emanuel Mitchell (cast)
- Achy Breaky Heart by Bryan Craig (cast)
- Finally by Yasmine Aker (cast)
- I Will Buy You a New Life by Tommy Martinez (cast)
- Freedom 90! (From "Good Trouble") by Emma Hunton, Josh Pence (Click to listen!)
- More Than Words (From "Good Trouble") by Emma Hunton, Josh Pence (Click to listen!)
- Cigarettes Silhouette by Sidney Bird