Good Trouble Wiki

Raisa is a recurring character in the Freeform series, Good Trouble.

Raisa is brilliant coder with an optimistic view on the world. She works for Revitalize Beauty as a coder for their new sustainable beauty app.



Physical Appearance[]

Raisa has long dark brown hair that reaches past her shoulders. She has brown almond-shaped eyes, brown eyebrows, and a big smile with a small nose. She dresses in business casual clothing.

Throughout Series[]

Season 3[]

Season 4[]

In "Meet the New Boss", Mariana arrives at Revitalize Beauty for her first day of work. The girls welcome her to the team with first day doughnuts. Liza introduces herself to Mariana, as she's the new project supervisor. She's heard about her from Jackie and gives her a standard contract to sign which says she can't work at another beauty start-up for two years. Liza gives her until the end of day to sign it.

Mariana asks Ava about the ordering algorithm to see the coding but learns Liza handles that. She sets up a pitch meeting but lies about a glitch in the merge but the women aren’t sure where the potential client would have heard that from. Later, Mariana finds the password for the app in a drawer.

In "It's Lonely Out in Space", the Revitalize Beauty girls discuss their next brand target, Riot Face, so Mariana texts the FCG's telling them who to speak with from the company. The FCG's pitch their app, with this routine continuing onto Veganique and Glow Fille, with Bulk Beauty landing all three brands.

Revitalize Beauty tries to pitch their app to a potential buyer. Mariana recalls a conversation with Liza, in which Liza informs Mariana that Bulk Beauty landed Glow Fille. Now, in the pitch, Mariana chimes in to correctly pitch the idea to Marcienne. Ava even claps, with the representative agreeing to sign with them.

That night, Liza opens another bottle of champagne while the team toasts to their "MVP", Mariana. Liza is pleased with Mariana and expects her to keep up the good work. Mariana makes a toast to more days like today. Ava and Raisa are happy to have Mariana join the team. The Revitalize Beauty girls are drunk in the office. They discuss the difficulties of being women in tech, and how happy they are that Jackie liked their pitch. In fact, they originally pitched an idea for sustainable household cleaning products, until Jackie mentioned beauty products. Jackie already had the code as she was developing something similar anyway. The girls made some tweaks but are thankful to Jackie for getting them out of the male-dominated tech world. They sympathize with Mariana's time at Speckulate. Liza adds that Jackie gave her a chance too, and that's why she's hard on the girls. Everything is riding on them succeeding, and she thinks Mariana can be their secret weapon. Mariana declines Liza's offer for refill. The girls commend Mariana for great work and want to hang out more.

In "So This is What the Truth Feels Like", The Revitalize Beauty girls face-off with the Bulk Beauty girls for the Archambeau Cosmetics pitch. Mariana texts the BB girls and Liza picks up on the BB girls reactions, prompting them to try and hide their reactions. When they came in, Liza explains who Bulk Beauty are to Ava and Raisa, with Mariana lying that they pushed her out over money, much to their disgust. Liza waves to Evan who has just arrived. Liza explains that Jackie thought his presence would help them land the brand. She notices Mariana texting and asks if she's texting her old friends. Mariana lies that she's texting her gynecologist as something showed up on her latest pap but it turned out normal. An Archambeau assistant calls Bulk Beauty back for their meeting first. The RB girls win the Archambeau Cosmetics pitch - which they attribute to Mariana's excellent pitching skills.

Mariana gets to work and sees Ava and Raisa meeting with Evan over a new feature that is called Counter Pro. User can scan their faces and the app will suggest products and show a mock-up of how those products will look on the users faces. As they talk, Mariana takes a slow eat as she recalls her meeting with the BB girls. Now, Mariana commends them for the great idea but thinks they should work out the kinks before pitching it to anyone else. They should be prepared for questions, and Evan thinks troubleshooting now would make sense. Mariana then excuses herself as the RB girls celebrate.

In "Take These Chances", the Revitalize girls show Mariana CounterPro which they have developed. Mariana tells the BB girls about the non-compete being void so she can come back to the BB. They hug happily, but Mariana has one more problem to address. Ava and Raisa have a big idea that might crush them. She can't tell them anything as they don't steal. She does have an idea to bring Ava and Raisa into BB. She hopes to explain everything to them. Ava and Raisa are angry at Mariana for sabotaging them. Mariana explains that they didn't rip off any ideas but Jackie did. She asks them how odd it was hat he code was already there. She's asking them to join Bulk Beauty where they value women in tech. She asks if they want to be part of a stolen idea. The girls are unsure as it's a lot to digest and they need to think.

Later, Mariana looks to Raisa and Ava who are working, just as Jackie arrives asking why Bulk Beauty is getting more brands. She gave them the code, the idea, and handled it all over to them but they haven't done anything for her in return. Jackie ridicules the girls and Raisa questions who wrote the code. Jackie doesn't see how that's relevant as their concern is what they're bringing to the table. Ava and Raisa will brainstorm fresh and new ideas. Mariana tells the BB girls that Ava and Raisa are coming to BB tomorrow. Mariana packs up her things alongside Ava and Raisa, who thank Mariana for the fresh, new idea.

In "I Don't Belong Here", Bulk Beauty prepares for the arrival of Raisa and Ava with their app ideas. The RB girls arrive to the welcome wagon but appear solemn as they have bad news - they can't join BB. Rasia told Liza the app idea and Liza isn't joining BB. Liza told Jackie everything and since their ideas are legally Revitalize Beauty's, they can't take their idea with them. Ava knows what Jackie did was horrible but the love and believe in the idea. They can't leave it behind. Claire asks them to leave despite their apologies so they do.



Notes and Trivia[]



Good Trouble 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
Season 1 N/A
Season 2 N/A
Season 3 N/A
Season 4 N/A
Season 5


v - e - d
Characters (Good Trouble)
Main Callie Adams FosterMariana Adams FosterMalika WilliamsAlice KwanGael MartinezCurtis WilsonDavia MossDennis CooperJamie HunterIsabella TavezJoaquin Peréz
Major Alex WoodAndre JohnsonAngela MillerBenjaminBryanCasey PierceClaire BadgleyDom WilliamsDyonteElijah AdrieuxEvan SpeckYuri EllwinGina SperoIsaac HallJoey RivertonJoseph TurnerJosh MandelaKathleen GaleKellyKendra ZahirLB BradyMarcusMatt GordonMelina AbdullahNicolette BaptistePatrisse CullorsRachel BoyleRaj PatilRebeccaRuby ChenSam HigginsSandra ThompsonSumi LiuTeresaTony Britton
Minor Bonnie MossCary PlackDianaGwen TuckermanJazmin MartinezJeff MaxwellJennifer CooperKate NguyenLibby WilsonMargaret ChoMeera MatteiRafael MartinezRowanTate WilsonTolu EzeTrea KwanYari Clarke

