Good Trouble Wiki

"We're Adams Fosters, and we don't give up. Our mamas taught us that."

Parental Guidance Suggested[1] is the fifth episode of Season 1 of Good Trouble.


Callie and Mariana's moms visit their new digs, but even with all The Coterie residents on their best behavior, things get out of hand. Meanwhile, Dennis reveals a shocking truth about his past.[2]


Main Cast

Recurring Cast

Guest Starring

Notes and Trivia

  • The title is a nod to the fact that Callie and Mariana's moms come to visit.
  • This marks the first physical appearance of Stef and Lena in "Good Trouble".
  • The first sneak peek was released via Instagram and featured the moms in The Coterie kitchen getting to know the residents.[5]
    • The second sneak peek for the episode was released via Twitter and featured the moms in The Coterie elevator.[6]
    • The third was released via Instagram and featured Stef and Lena attempting to do breathing exercises.[7]
    • The fourth was released via Entertainment Tonight and featured Stef and Lena learning about the girls' chamber pots.[8]
  • According to Lena, the year is 2018. However, this would be impossible as the show would actually take place in the 2020s due to the time jumps.
  • Mariana has new furniture delivered for her and Callie's apartment.
  • Callie and Gael open up to each other. Gael admits that he is afraid he won't live up to his potential, while Callie opens up about struggling to remember her biological mother and how awful foster care was.
  • The Coterie has been labeled as a fire trap due to an anonymous tip.
  • Dennis' recent fling, Aria, bakes cookies for The Coterie, which Stef and Lena eat and enjoy.
    • The cookies turn out to be marijuana cookies and both moms have reactions to the cookies.
  • Aria meets Stef and Lena after having a shower with Dennis, which sends Stef on a spiral to figure out if Dennis is a predator or not.
  • Lena has a flashback of an ignorant racist who yells and spits on her while she is trying to campaign for state assembly.
  • After Stef confronts Dennis, he opens up to her about his past and the death of his son, Jacob, who would have turned eight that week.
  • Gael and Davia argue at the dinner table in front of the moms, who find out that Callie has been hooking up with Gael.
  • Sandra Thompson stops by The Coterie and Callie is forced to rush out of the building to avoid being seen by her.
  • Mariana is $20,000 in debt from her shopping sprees.
  • Callie and Mariana argue over their new loft and admit that they both hate their jobs.
  • The moms have a much-needed talk with the girls, who finally open up to them about their struggles at work.
  • Lena has Stef listening to Ted Talks, doing one-minute meditation, and learning about the deeper things in life.
  • Benjamin uncovers a picture of Malika and Callie talking at The Coterie.


A video provided below is potentially triggering to some individuals. This video contains racist remarks, actions, and harassment.


Behind the Scenes

Featured Music

1x05 Music

