Good Trouble Wiki

Mariana and Evan also referred to as Marevan is the romantic pairing between Mariana Adams Foster and Evan Speck.


They first met when Mariana was hired at Evan's company, Speckulate. He took an interest in her from a professional point of view, though they shared a mutual interest in one another. Things progressed into a friendship with her helping him to understand dating and modern day slang. He confided in her about his personal struggles with Asperger's syndrome and how it effects his daily life. Their attraction to one another grew until they had sex, which Mariana instigated. However, her relationship with Raj Patil left her feeling conflicted over who to choose. She ultimately decided to be with Evan, though they agreed on a secret relationship for the betterment of the company and their careers.


Season 3[]

In Capoeira, Mariana struggles with the ramifications of having sex with Evan the night before. She avoids him at work, but admits to Callie that she really cares for Evan. Mariana ultimately ends things with her boyfriend Raj Patil, meeting Evan in his office afterward. She tells Evan that with him being her boss, that dating is a bad idea, which disappoints him though he understands. But she also knows that their feelings won't go away, to which he remarks that the worst ideas can lead to the best ones. He rambles about bologna for a minute until she stops him, staying that no one can know about their relationship. They decide to be in a secret relationship. They stay a few feet from another but touch hands, with Evan wanting to kiss her and her wanting him too, but they can't in public.

In Arraignment Day, Mariana hurries into the work elevator where she joins Evan. He is impressed by the work on her activism app and wants to celebrate with the team for the success. They make plans to meet trying to remain discreet in the presence of an employee who is in the elevator. They both appear excited about their date, which they coyly play off as a work dinner to celebrate the success of Act=ivism.

Mariana is informed by her team that their app is being used by white supremacist's, and though the team wants to tell Evan, Mariana thinks they can handle it alone as he might shut down their app if they tell him. Things spiral out of control and she has to tell Evan the truth.

Mariana enters Evan’s office to see a bucket of roses he was planning to bring her. He asks if that was okay which she says it’s very okay. He advances to kiss her but stops himself due to the glass windows in which employees can see through. He asks about the comedy show she was supposed to attend, but she tells him the truth about the app needing to be shut down. Evan tells Mariana they can’t shut down the app as while they created the product they aren’t responsible for what people say. They aren’t political so it isn’t their job to censor anyone. She is worried about bad publicity, but he explains that they are about to release a new media app and can’t shut down act=ivism without guaranteeing bad publicity. They can’t be seen as catering to either side. Mariana doesn’t agree with giving the bigots an online presence but Evan is thinking about business as his hundreds of employees have families they need to provide for. She understands that it’s his choice, but sadly tells him that she can't work for the company any longer if they won't do the right thing. He doesn't want to lose her but she thinks this is the right thing to do. He asks what her leaving the company means for their personal relationship, but she admits to not knowing.

Season 4[]

Season 5[]




Mariana to Evan: I'm sorry I've been avoiding you, I just needed time to think. You're my boss, and every way that I look at it, dating you is just a bad idea. But I do know that these feelings aren't just going to go away. So maybe we can find a way to turn this bad idea into a good one.[1]

Evan: You know I could help.
Mariana: No.
Evan: But-
Mariana: No.
Evan: Just get your foot-
Mariana: No. Stop it.
Evan: In the door-
Mariana: I mean it.
Evan: A door-
Mariana: I love you.
Evan: You love me?
Mariana: For wanting to help me.
Evan: Oh. Okay.
Mariana: But I don't want your help.[2]



  1. 3.01 Capoeira
  2. 3.06 Help