Good Trouble Wiki

Lucia Morales is a recurring in the Freeform series, Good Trouble.

Lucia is a headstrong city Councilwoman wants to make change in LA. She recruits Malika Williams to be her newest staffer for her city council run, promising to support her bill for a women's center.



Physical Appearance[]

Throughout Series[]

Season 3[]

In "Closing Arguments", Malika serves Councilwoman Morales with a free drink as a thank you for her help. She had no idea Angelica's friend in the city council was an actual City Councilperson. Anjelica leaves to wait at another table while Malika thanks Morales again for the help. Morales wanted to meet Malika as well as she’s impressed by her and her passion. She needs someone like Malika on her team - someone with inside knowledge of the system. She wants Malika to join her staff. She wants to divert the money back into their communities devastated by incarceration. Malika agrees so Morales asks her to join the camp.

Season 4[]

In "Meet the New Boss", Malika begins her job with Lucia, only to learn that her personal connection to Lucia isn't giving her the special treatment or focus that she anticipated. Lucia's campaign manger, Dana, arrives looking for her client and is directed to her by Will, the head staffer. Tracy tells Malika that the two are in a tug of war for Lucia's attention. A day later, Lucia welcomes Malika to the company as Will sent her Malika’s proposal for the women’s center and she’ll read it that night.

In "So This is What the Truth Feels Like", Malika and Lucia go out for drinks. Lucia read the proposal and commends Malika for doing a great job. She has other priorities and initiatives, but she's considering sending Malika's proposal to the council floor for review. They toast to a job well done. Lucia asks if Malika sees much of Angelica now that she's not working at Douro. Lucia admits that she used to date Angelica and asks if Angelica is seeing anyone, but Malika lies that she doesn't know. Lucia hasn't talked to Angelica for a while and does miss her. They didn't break up over love, Lucia was just too busy then, but she's ready to settle down now.

The next night, Lucia goes to Douro and sees Malika kissing Angelica. She leaves the bar shortly after witnessing the kiss.

The next day, Lucia is texting when she sees Malika arrive. She asks Will for his thoughts on the women's center proposal. He thinks they should put all their efforts into the Family First Initiative and homelessness crisis. She asks why he sent the proposal to her if he wasn't for it. He admits that he sees himself as a mentor as the Gen-Z'ers would turn on her. Lucia agrees that the proposal isn't a top priority. That afternoon, Lucia tells Malika that she's decided to push the proposal forward. She needs her to write a full analysis which Will can help her with. A co-worker warns her that an impact letter is long and she can kiss her personal life goodbye.

In "Take These Chances", Lucia tells Malika that she's doing excellent work and its ready to take to the floor. She just needs two council members to sponsor it and suggests she try Lucia's allies Gonzales and Brown. Subsequently, Malika tries to get Councilman Gonzales' attention but doesn't get support from him or Brown. She returns to the office and Tracy asks if she's okay, learning about the council people. She confides that Lucia asked Gonzales not to sponsor the bill as she wants to kill the proposal for some reason. Malika doesn't think that's okay and Tracy reminds her that's politics.

Malika tells Lucia that she got Hernandez and Russo on-board for the proposal. Will explains they will expect favors in return. Malika apologizes as she didn't think it would be a problem. Will tells her that she doesn't decide the rules and neither does he. Malika asks Lucia if she wants to kill it and she says not, but wants her to ask before taking action next time. Malika leaves the meeting with a look of triumph. Will tells Lucia that Malika is lying which she is aware of.



  • Angelica Sofer - Angelica and Lucia were in a serious relationship before Lucia decided to run for city council. After her election, she became so consumed by work that there wasn't any time for their relationship. Angelica wanted to settle down and be in a serious romance, which Lucia couldn't commit too. Angelica subsequently broke up with her, though they remained cordial, despite Lucia's lingering feelings for her. She decides to get back together with her and schemes to break up her new relationship with Malika Williams, who is also Lucia's subordinate in the council office.

Notes and Trivia[]



Good Trouble 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
Season 1 N/A
Season 2 N/A
Season 3 N/A
Season 4 N/A
Season 5


v - e - d
Characters (Good Trouble)
Main Callie Adams FosterMariana Adams FosterMalika WilliamsAlice KwanGael MartinezCurtis WilsonDavia MossDennis CooperJamie HunterIsabella TavezJoaquin Peréz
Major Alex WoodAndre JohnsonAngela MillerBenjaminBryanCasey PierceClaire BadgleyDom WilliamsDyonteElijah AdrieuxEvan SpeckYuri EllwinGina SperoIsaac HallJoey RivertonJoseph TurnerJosh MandelaKathleen GaleKellyKendra ZahirLB BradyMarcusMatt GordonMelina AbdullahNicolette BaptistePatrisse CullorsRachel BoyleRaj PatilRebeccaRuby ChenSam HigginsSandra ThompsonSumi LiuTeresaTony Britton
Minor Bonnie MossCary PlackDianaGwen TuckermanJazmin MartinezJeff MaxwellJennifer CooperKate NguyenLibby WilsonMargaret ChoMeera MatteiRafael MartinezRowanTate WilsonTolu EzeTrea KwanYari Clarke

