“ | All I'm saying is giving up something you love is too high a price to pay for the ignorance of others. | ” |
— Sumi to Alice
I Don't Belong Here is the eighth episode of Season 4 of Good Trouble. The episode airs on April 27, 2022.
Mariana helps Joaquin search for his sister. Meanwhile, the Revitalize girls make a decision regarding Bulk Beauty. We learn what happened on Alice’s tour. Isabella and Gael get worrisome news.
Someone digs a hole in the ground, wrapping tape around a body before shoving it into the hole. Joaquin gasps awake in his loft.
Mariana suggests Joaquin call the police but he needs something concrete to get them to take him seriously. She offers her help diving into Chris's social media accounts and friends. Joaquin doesn't find any pictures of Jen on his socials. Mariana wrote a program at MIT that tracks any mention or image of another user across media platforms. She will run it but suggests reaching out to Chris's friends to see if they've heard from Jenna. Joaquin is surprised she went to MIT, and they go back and forth completing one another's sentences. He asks if she's going to finish all his sentences. He apologizes for being an ass when they met, as there's more to her than he gave her credit for. Mariana assures him that Jenna is out there, but just really good at hiding. He hopes she isn't a shallow grave and she puts a hand on his knee, telling him not to go there. They're going to find her alive and well.
Sumi and Alice prepare to have lunch with her parents. Alice thinks having Sumi there is a bad idea. They pretend not to see them. Alice has second thoughts about telling her parents she quit, pressing that issue firmly with Sumi, all while Alan waves manically from his table. The parents come over to them instead and they embrace Sumi first.
Isabella and Gael return to his loft from their trip to the super store. They have to put their purchase together and she pulls a rule that he can't speak until she says his name or lose. They try to put the crib together which proves to be a bit harder than she thought. She tosses meatballs at him to see if he can catch them and win to speak. They set up half the crib before she concedes to calling his name. They wrestle over the meatballs playfully and share a moment. She answers a call from her doctor and questions if things are okay with the baby.
Desi cues the beginning of Davia and Luca's routine together. Desi is impressed with Luca picking up the routine so fast. They all give him props and he thanks them for having him. Desi is proud of everyone and needs her guest lists for the show - they get two comps. Davia commends Luca for killing it. He's lucky to have a great partner. As they break, Luca tells Davia she can have his comps as he won't invite anyone. She's keeping her job on the down-low for now. Luca remembers her talking about her life going poorly lately. She was fired for posting a video clapping back about her weight. She also got dumped and wanted to feel empowered and sexy. He calls her sexy and powerful and beautiful. He sent her pictures of her rehearsing as she looked amazing. Davia realizes that she does look amazing and thanks him.
Isabella and Gael wait in the doctors office. Dr. Bailian delivers some news - the fetal DNA test shows a high risk for Trisomy 13. It's a chromosomal disorder associated with severe intellectual disabilities and physical abnormalities. Isabella questions if it can be a false positive and Dr. Bailain reassures her that it's possible. The test is a screening not a diagnosis. There's another test called an amniocentesis which Isabella believes is dangerous. Bailian assures Isabella it comes with a less than 1% risk of harming the baby. It's the only way to know for sure if their daughter has it. If she does, more than 90% of babies with Trisomy 13 die within their first year of life or never able to leave the hospital. The news hits them hard.
Alice's parents look forward to her LA show. Sumi explains that Alice won't be performing there as Margaret booked comics already. Her parents wonder if it's related to what happened, but Alice tries to cover it up. Alan begins to speak but Trea covers it up. Sumi presses for information so Alice admits that she was on stage when a heckler started.
Alice performs her stand-up when a heckler shouts out how she keeps her girlfriends hair out of her mouth while going down. Alice claps back by saying it's clear he's never done it before. He's never had complaints so she retorts that he's never had a second date. He shouts that she sucks so she returns the sentiment and continues to heckle him back. The audience claps for her. After the set, Alice is approached by the heckler who calls her unfunny. She's alone and he won't let her got. He calls her a joke and uses a racial slur before throwing a drink on her. He runs away as she is left standing alone and emotional.
Alice finishes the story and is emotional. Sumi apologizes and asks if she told the police or Margaret. Alan told her not too as she wasn't physically harmed so there was no reason to make waves. Sumi believes she was assaulted. Trea explains they might be Chinese-Americans but are seen as Chinese first even if they are citizens. Sumi wipes Alice's tear as Alan explains that going public could make it worse. This time it was a soda but it could be a gun next time. Trea wants to keep her daughter safe. Alice assures them that it's over and she's fine.
Gael and Isabella return to the half-finished crib. They don't know if they can finish it. Isabella is worried they might not have a baby to bring home. He tries to soothe her worries as the baby might not have it. She's tired and wants to be alone.
Mariana asks the group if they've noticed Davia's lost a lot of weight lately. Gael thinks it's been gradual, but is worried when she points out the last post was about her eating disorder. They question what they should do, if anything, and Kelly has noticed her sneaking out with a bag. Davia arrives and notices the tension but they brush it off. She calls them weird then retreats to her room.
Once in her loft, Davia checks her Instagram and sees the comments ridiculing her for losing weight, setting a bad example for those in recovery, and showing concern for her. She deletes the post.
Gael struggles to put the crib together but does anyway. Isabella returns with mugs for both of them. She apologizes for her behavior earlier and he sympathizes with her fear. He can barely breathe with not knowing. He's putting the crib together as an act of faith to hold onto hope things are going to be okay. By building the crib he's not giving up. She wants to have faith too but can't. That's why she has him to lean on. She's never had that as he parents were so in love with each other they never any room for her. No matter who she tried to be they never loved her. He remarks that her parents suck. He's here for her, too, not just the baby. If he believes the baby is okay then she will too. They decide to finish the crib together.
Joaquin checks the police database for any sign of a Jane Doe having died and finds dozens of deaths. He slams the computer shut. His phone vibrates with a text from Jenna - she's fine and he needs to stop looking for her.
Mariana and Joaquin aren't sure if the text is real. He wants to go to Chris and beat him up but Mariana files it under terrible ideas. She suggests texting back and asking something personal, like her favorite childhood lip gloss scent. Joaquin, confused, leaves Mariana to answer that hers was Butterfly Boo. He texts back asking how he knows it's her. He asks what song made them laugh, which is a dumb church song. Mariana hopes she answers.
By morning, the crib is set up and the parents are asleep on the couch. Isabella answers a call from the doctor so Gael answers for her. He thanks the doctor for the great news than hangs up. He tells Isabella that the baby doesn't have it and is going to be okay. Their baby is healthy so she hugs him happily.
The dancers practice but Davia's heart isn't in it anymore. Desi asks Luca for the money for the costumes which is $200 by tomorrow. Luca says it won't be a problem. Davia approaches Desi about having to quit. She can't do it anymore. Desi saw the comments on her Instagram posts and sits with her. She's been through recovery from an eating disorder and part of the reason she's doing an all-size show. Recovering is about restoring mind or body, but also relationships, and trust of others and oneself. Hiding from the world or quitting isn't what people who trust themselves do.
Bulk Beauty prepares for the arrival of Raisa and Ava with their app ideas. The RB girls arrive to the welcome wagon but appear solemn as they have bad news - they can't join BB. Rasia told Liza the app idea and Liza isn't joining BB. Liza told Jackie everything and since their ideas are legally Revitalize Beauty's, they can't take their idea with them. Ava knows what Jackie did was horrible but the love and believe in the idea. They can't leave it behind. Claire asks them to leave despite their apologies so they do. Mariana tears down the welcome banner. Rachel tells her it's okay but Mariana exclaims that it's not. She's tried so hard to win back their trust but failed repeatedly. She keeps screwing everything up. The girls do trust her and she doesn't have anything to win back. Claire admits to overreacting and apologizes. Gina admits it isn't on her to save them - they love her and they're in this together. Claire suggests going to Evan about buying Revitalize.
Back at The coterie, Davia talks to the crew about the comments on her Instagram post. She doesn't need help they think she needs - she needs trust. She was letting secrecy and shame keep her rom showing her happy and healthy choices. She has lost weight and has been keeping a secret, but not what they think. She's joined a Burlesque group and they've been practicing for a big performance. She invites them all to join. Kelly thinks she's badass and the group agrees. They give her a group hug.
Davia visits Luca with nourishments but notices something is wrong. He doesn't have the money for the costumes. She offers to pay so he can pay her bac later. He doesn't feel comfortable depending on people as when things are too good to be real it usually is. He's not supposed to living there but she has plans to fix that. She understands not wanting to depend on anyone, but at some point, they have to accept help. He's safe there and can trust that it's real.
Sumi approaches Alice as she knows she's not fine. As a woman, proud Asian, and human being, what happened to her was terrifying and humiliating. She doesn't agree with her parents advice but does understand it. She joined the cheer team in high school and was the only Asian. The girls gave her the nickname Sushi, which she hated, but she didn't say anything because she wanted to be their friend. She complained to the coach one day and got them reprimanded so they stopped being her friend. No more sleepovers or sitting at lunch together. What happened wasn't as scary or violent as Alice's, but she understands the price of speaking out. She didn't quit cheer because she really loved it. Giving up something you love is to high a price to pay for the ignorance of others. Alice thanks her for sharing that with her and they hold hands. Sumi asks if she's warm enough out in the hallway and Alice has extra blankets. They say goodnight as Sumi goes back into her loft.
Davia adds lotion to her legs when Gael walks in and begins stripping dramatically. He came to tease her and is proud of her. He cant' wait to see her show. He reveals they had a baby scare and he was scared of losing both the baby and Isabella. He can't imagine is life without Isabella now. Davia asks what that means as it could be more than friends, which he thinks is possible.
Alice sneaks into Sumi's room with a pillow and blanket. She gets into bed next to her so they begin to cuddle and Alice begins to cry.
Joaquin goes to the kitchen fridge when his phone chimes. It's a response to his Jenna text and she correctly has the song.
Luca dances downstairs when Kelly enters, causing him to hide. She spots him and screams. She yells at him for squatting and raises a pipe and chases him out of The Coterie with a promise for him to never return.
- Cierra Ramirez as Mariana Adams Foster
- Zuri Adele as Malika Williams (Credit only)
- Sherry Cola as Alice Kwan
- Bryan Craig as Joaquin Peréz
- Emma Hunton as Davia Moss
- Tommy Martinez as Gael Martinez
- Josh Pence as Dennis Cooper (Credit only)
- Priscilla Quintana as Isabella Tavez
Guest Starring[]
- Booboo Stewart as Luca
- Kara Wang as Sumi Liu
- Rachel Rosenbloom as Gina Spero
- Maisie Klompus as Rachel Boyle
- Seri DeYoung as Claire Badgley
- Anastasia Leddick as Kelly Campbell
- Lee Chen as Trea Kwan
- Robert Michael Lee as Alan Kwan
- Annamarie Kasper as Raisa
- Shannon Hollander as Ava
- Leslie L. Miller and Dr. Bailian
- April Schutte as Desi
- Natasha Estrada as Finola
- Simone Rene Posey as Katrina
- Britta Grant as Poppie
- Chris Patrickson as Heckler
Notes and Trivia[]
- This episode concluded with a message to AAPI fans, friends, and family, with a hotline for AAPI violence.
Behind the Scenes[]