Frank Cooper was a recurring character in ABC Family series The Fosters. He is portrayed by Sam McMurray and his first appearance was in Saturday. In Family Day, Stef found her father dead. He appeared again in Padre where Stef imagines that he is still alive and wasn't dead after all.
Frank is Stef Adams Foster's father who doesn't support gay marriage and would rather her be with a man. He claims that she had a good life while married to her then-husband, Mike, producing their son, Brandon, along the way.
Physical Appearance[]
Frank has dirty blonde hair with dark eyes. He is a tall man with a beer belly. It is apparent that he is old due to his wrinkles and saggy skin.
Stef went to visit Frank at his home. She brought groceries for him. They joke a little about Jesus's obsession for sports. They later discussed Jesus wanting to go to a Catholic youth seminar. The conversation turned a bit sour when her father questioned her sexuality and her distance from the church.
It is revealed that Frank caught Stef and a friend cuddling, even though they weren't actually doing anything. He forced her to follow God's footsteps and into a good Christian life. Stef, embarrassed, never went back to church. As a result of leaving the church, her father was deeply upset with her. At dinner, the door rang, and it was Stef's father, who didn't know they had company. He was offered a seat at the table and accepted. After the dinner, Stef escorted her father out and he apologized for sending her to church and ministers when she was a child in an attempt to change her sexuality.
Frank was visited by Sharon who was in town for Stef's wedding. Sharon told him that if he would rather lose his daughter like they almost did at the shooting, he should forget about politics, God, everything, and show up at the wedding. Stef later comes by and tells him that he's causing her apparent homophobia. She told him that if he really can't get passed anything about her being gay, he should not show up. Frank does not appear at the wedding.
PadreAppearances (5/101)[]
Season 1 (4/21)
Season 5 (1/22)
Sharon Elkin[]
- Sharon is Frank's ex-wife. They have divorced for unknown reasons.
- Stef was the first person to find him in the living room dead.
- His favorite candy is black licorice (as revealed in Padre).
- He is a devoted fan of the San Diego Padres. At his funeral, many of his survivors wear Padres outfits to show their love for him.
- Stef regrets never formally making up with him in regards to their disagreement over her sexuality.
- Click here to see Frank's gallery.