- "If I've taught you one thing tonight, it's that it doesn't matter what other people want. If you truly want to be in the driver's seat, you can't play games. You have to stand up for yourself and what you want."
- —Mariana to Alice
Driver's Seat is the ninth episode of Season 3 of Good Trouble. The episode aired on April 14, 2021.
Callie juggles the murder case and her feelings towards Gael. Mariana helps Alice take control of her life; meanwhile, Davia struggles with her feelings towards Dennis and Matt. Gael faces an ethical dilemma regarding his boss.
The episode opens with a cartoon skit where several Coterie members are forced to make choices in their romantic, professional, and personal lives.
The Coterie group plays a game that Kelly invented, with nearly everyone being confused. Gael compliments her on the game being specific, with help from Callie. Mariana tells Callie that she got their mom a candle of the month subscription, remembering Callie turning down all her ideas so Mariana lies that there was a pop-up sale. Tony arrives to check out the Coterie as he is picking up Callie for a real-life outing, which earns boos from Alice and Kelly. Davia tells Gael to make his move before someone else does. He then has to leave when Yuri texts him.
In the car, Rowan, Tony, and Rowan all have different opinions on whether Tommy is guilty. Earlier in the day, the trio and Kathleen had met with Tommy and his parents to discuss the case. His father is adamant about not taking a plea deal as he is convinced his son is innocent, that he didn’t hurt Zack. He admits to feeling angry about Zack taking his spot but was angry at himself, not Zack. Callie claims three people saw them arguing, with Tony saying they were “horsing around”. Tommy claims he left the part around 11 for beer as he was with Katie. He wasn’t there when Zack died. Callie pulls security footage that shows him at the party around 11:19, with a ten-minute drive to the liquor store. Rowan notes that the medical examiner puts the time of death at 11:25, which is when the monitor on Zack’s wrist saw him flatlining. Tony notes that there are six minutes to spare, which is plenty of time to kill Zack. Kathleen reminds them that they don’t have to prove innocence, just reasonable doubt. She tasks them with driving the route and timing it. It took ten minutes to drive to the store, a minute twenty to shop. Tony makes the cashier card them while Callie takes photos of the cameras and footage. Rowan buys a tic-tac box. The round-trip from the store to the place of death was nineteen minutes and 56 seconds plus two minutes in the story, for a total of roughly 22 minutes. Tony notes that is what the prosecution said which means they don’t have a novel defense. They examine the party area and find the area where Zack died, with Rowan and Tony agreeing that there are plenty of rocks Tommy could have hit Zack with. Callie still isn’t convinced. She remembers talking to Tommy in the office kitchen where she gets him water. He becomes emotional. In the present, she tells Tony that her intuition says he’s innocent.
Gael arrives at Yuri’s place to look at the painting Yuri asked him to paint. Yuri is enraged as it isn’t exactly what he wanted as Gael took liberties. He believes he placed too much faith in Gael and demands that he put it in storage now that he’ll only have four new works, thanks to Gael.
At the Coterie, Kelly, Mariana, and Alice play the game until Kelly becomes angry with the game and leaves. Mariana asks Alice if she’s okay and learns that Alice feels like she sucks at everything, especially Ruby as things are over between them. Alice was tired of being in the passenger seat but now she and Ruby are in different cars. Mariana tells her to figure out what she wants and ask for it. She invites Alice on a date tomorrow night.
Yuri’s art gallery showing arrives, and Gael takes Callie a drink when he remembers bumping into Davia as they leave the Coterie. Callie is getting ready when Mariana enters and compliments her appearance. Davia wonders why Gael is playing coy but he just doesn’t want to get hurt again nor does he know what she wants. Callie doesn’t think he’s interested anymore and if she’s wrong, as Mariana points out, she’ll keep a different shade in her purse. Davia tells Gael to take a risk. At the gallery, Callie and Gael complement each other as he admits there are a ton of important people there. Callie tells him to go introduce himself as Yuri walks over. He calls one of the influencers to meet Gael.
Mariana and Alice go to Douro for a date and she puts down Alice’s idea to go there and Alice fails her first test. She tells Alice confidence is sexy.
Davia and Matt go on their date and things are awkward. She remembers talking to Gael about her date with Matt even though she’s talking to Dennis, though she’s ready to move on. Davia and Matt talk on their date and she receives a few texts from Dennis but she turns over her phone. He tells her to check her phone so she excuses herself to go to the bathroom where she sees landscape photos from Dennis. Gael tells Davia to give Matt a chance as he seems like a good guy. She turns her phone to not disturb and returns to the date. He ordered them calamari with no tentacles since the texture freaks her out. She is surprised that he remembered, remarking that the situation with her phone is averted.
Mariana and Alice have their date and she tells Alice to take the photos on her phone instead. She tells Alice that it's not okay for someone to change her look, Mariana looks at her phone and then asks if she’s interested in the person or just wants the person to like her. As the night progresses, Mariana tells Alice to learn to say no without lying.
Matt and Davia talk about him being from Mississippi and that he worked hard to lose it but she makes him use it. He went to a cotillion which she doesn’t know about so he explains it as a tradition. She has a ton of questions.
Alice finally gives herself confidence which makes Mariana so proud.
Davia and Matt return to the Coterie where she makes tea and they talk about him knowing how to waltz. He offers to teach her and while it’s rough at first they are eventually gliding around the kitchen. He goes to kiss her after a dip but she pulls back as she remembers Dennis. She apologizes immediately but he claims it’s fine before leaving.
Callie reapplies her lipstick as Gael brings her a bottle of wine to celebrate by the pool. He is excited about all the artists he met that night. He’s surprised Yuri was so effusive after the meltdown, so Gael is planning to get Yuri to see his work so he can get a letter of recommendation and have a show. He apologizes for abandoning Callie al knight but she assures him that it’s fine. He remembers seeing Callie and Yuri together at the showcase. Yuri approaches Gael later and compliments Callie, and after ensuring that Gael isn’t interested in her, Yuri asks permission to get Callie's number. Gael tells Callie that Yuri wanted his number and she asks if he would be okay with her dating his boss, to which he claims that if that’s what she wants he wouldn’t want to stand in the way. She tells him that she’s not interested in dating with the hectic nature of work. She then leaves to finish some work. They hug goodnight as she goes back to her apartment.
She is working when Mariana arrives guessing that things didn’t go well with Callie and Gael. Mariana suggests that Gael is playing it cool but Callie isn’t sure, but she has to get work done or Tommy will go to prison. Callie asks about her date with Alice, which Mariana remarks were fun. She remembers telling Alice that if she wants to be in the driver’s seat, she has to stand up for herself and not play games. Alice knows she’s right and remarks on how great Mariana is at this, to which Mariana admits that she isn’t always that way and there is a relationship she feels like the passenger in.
Mariana tells Callie she lied about the candle of the month present being on sale because Callie is always in the driver’s seat and shoots down her ideas. Callie notes that mom wouldn’t have liked any of them, but Mariana is annoyed by this. Their fight escalates to Callie pointing out that Mariana chose LA, The Coterie, their furniture, without consulting. Mariana thinks that lying is the only way she can get what she wants because Callie makes her feel like her opinion isn’t valid. Callie quips back that when Mariana lies she feels like she can’t trust her. Mariana wants them to be a team that compromises, and they promise to try and work on their ideas. Mariana states that the candles are amazing and mom will love them. Callie laughs at this, but when Mariana asks her the time Callie realizes the final piece of their novel defense.
Alice gets into bed when Ruby texts asking if she went on a date as she’s worried about a dramatic break-up ruining the program. Alice tells Mariana she wants a real relationship with Ruby, so Mariana tells her to tell Ruby that. Alice tells Ruby the truth about Sanjana and wanting a real relationship with Ruby. Ruby responds that they can talk about that.
Davia scrolls through Dennis’s messages before video chatting with him. He remarks he was just thinking of her and she notes on his guitar as he’s playing a new song. She tells him to play it and it’s a beautiful love song that she begins to sing with him. Dennis remembers standing and looking out at the water. Davia stands on the balcony. He steps into the ocean.
Callie shows the timestamps to Kathleen, pointing out that the security footage in the store is five minutes slow, meaning that Tommy was in the liquor store longer than they thought and wouldn’t have gotten back to the party in time to kill Zack. Kathleen congrats on being amazing.
Gael arrives to see two artists admiring the painting he made which is worth 50,000 as soon as Yuri signs it. Yuri arrives and signs his name on the painting without another word to Gael.
Matt and Davia talk about their meeting and she apologizes about how things ended and he understands that it might be too soon for her. She tells him it might not be too soon. That morning, Kelly asks Alice if there are any apartments available as her friend is looking. Alice claims that one might be opening up soon, telling a curious Davia that it’s Dennis’s loft. Now emotional, Davia tells an inquisitive Gael that she didn’t know about that.
Davia tells Matt that she isn’t confused anymore and if she had a time machine she would go back and do it differently. He pulls her in for a kiss.
Callie is working late when Tony arrives with liquor and glasses to celebrate her saving the day. He’s impressed by her work today. Gael paces his loft. Tony asks Callie if something is going on between her and Jamie, to which she notes that it’s over as she doesn’t want to think about him or anyone else. He’s okay with that. Gael texts a “you up?” message to Callie, who is kissing Tony in the office.
Main Cast[]
- Maia Mitchell as Callie Adams Foster
- Cierra Ramirez as Mariana Adams Foster
- Tommy Martinez as Gael Martinez
- Emma Hunton as Davia Moss
- Sherry Cola as Alice Kwan
- Zuri Adele as Malika Williams (credit only)
- Beau Mirchoff as Jamie Hunter (credit only)
- Josh Pence as Dennis Cooper
Guest Starring[]
- Jayson Blair as Tony Britton
- Craig Parker as Yuri Elwin
- Erik Stocklin as Matt
- Anastasia Leddick as Kelly
- Kevin David Lin as Tommy Sung
- Stephen Oyoung as Ken Sung
- Jennifer Jalene as Julia Sung
- Constance Zimmer as Kathleen Gale
- Emmett Preciado as Rowan
- Christopher Devlin as Patrick
- Samantha Cutaran as Tricia
- Diana Toshiko as Nicki Hong
- Benmio McCrea as Gregory Rousseau
- Shurud Shanto as Cashier
Notes and Trivia[]
- Stef Adams Foster is mentioned. She was last seen in the Good Trouble episode, Klompendansen. Mariana and Callie mention that Stef's birthday is coming up soon, which places the timeline in either late March or early April, as Stef's birthday is on April 14th.
Behind the Scenes[]
Featured Music[]
- Everything I Want by Mist u
- Heat Waves by Glass Animals
- Throw It Back by Kali J
- Gloom by Cina Polada
- Nah Champa Bong by DOPAMONN and Natalia M. King
- Follow My Heart by Kwamie Live
- Make It Look Easy by WUTFUR
- Falling Again by I Am ORFA
- I Am The Night by Citrine
- Hunter by La Rochelle Band
- Alewife by Clairo
- Gravity by Josh Pence and Emma Hunton